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Private Residence - Lexington, MO

Location Information

Date:10th June, 2013     Type:Residential

Location Title:Private Residence     City/State:Lexington, MO

Investigation Times:07:30 PM - 09:30 PM     Status:Analysis


Weather Information

Sunrise:05:55 AM   Sunset:08:44 PM

High Temperature:82 °F   Low Temperature:59 °F

Sky Condition:Clear   Wind:W at 4 mph

Humidity:88%   Precipitation:0%

Lunar Phase:Waxing Crescent   % disk visible:5%

Solar X-Rays:Normal   Geomagnetic Field:Unsettled

Pressure:29.87 mmHg  


Investigators Present

Angela Hodge

Jenny Kerr

Becky Ray


Location History


Built in 1902, this home was built on the property where the slave quarters for another local home were located.


Investigators Notes


Jenny Kerr:The home we investigated was built in 1902 on land that once held slave quarters for a neighboring home. Actual home history was unavailable at the time of our investigation. Myself, Becky and Angela started the investigation downstairs in the dining room with an EVP session, which upon play back yielded no unearthly voices. Twenty-eight photos were taken with no anomalies. The downstairs had a very comfortable homey feel. But, once going up the main stairs to the second floor there was very dense uneasy feeling felt on the second set of stairs leading to the second floor. It was a feeling as if someone was behind you and it made the hairs on my arm stand, a very "electrical" feeling. While Becky and Angela were still in the dining room I came up to the second floor and placed my audio recorder in the hallway, asked a few questions, then returned downstairs. We spent approximately one hour downstairs in the dining room, then we moved to the second floor "home office" room for about another hour. Upon review of my audio recordings, later in the evening, I recorded one very distinct voice of a female who sounded out of breath saying "I don't know... Where I am." I have added this audio to the EVP section of the website along with further findings after it was reviewed by Becky.

Out of breath female voice - 10th June, 2013 - Private Residence - Lexington, MO
00:00 / 00:00

This EVP was captured on the second floor of the home. A female is clearly heard saying, "I don't know, where I'm at". She sounds out of breath like someone that had been running. After posting this to the group Becky gave me background information in regards to the owner of the home. The owner of the home was violently attacked on the stairs leading to the second floor and suffered vision loss from severe head trauma leaving her dazed and confused. I believe the EVP I recorded was the residual energy left behind from her attack.

Submitted by Jenny

No PHOTOS for this Investigation at this time
No VIDEOS for this Investigation at this time

All content © 2003 - 2025, Paranormal Activity Investigators, LLC, unless otherwise noted 

Kansas City, MO

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