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The "Sallie" House - Visit 14

Location Information

Date:27th September, 2013     Type:Residential

Location Title:The "Sallie" House - Visit 14     City/State:Atchison, KS

Investigation Times:06:30 PM - 10:00 PM     Status:Analysis


Weather Information

Sunrise:07:10 AM   Sunset:07:06 PM

High Temperature:87 °F   Low Temperature:67 °F

Sky Condition:Clear   Wind:SSE at 13 mph

Humidity:80%   Precipitation:0%

Lunar Phase:Last Quarter   % disk visible:45%

Solar X-Rays:Normal   Geomagnetic Field:Quiet

Pressure:29.88 mmHg  


Investigators Present

Sevren Jacobs

Becky Ray


Location History


Location history is available at


Investigators Notes


Becky Ray:This investigation was part of a paranormal investigation offered through the Atchison Chamber of Commerce.
While not the most active I have seen this location, we had several first hand accounts of strange things happening to participants as we moved through the house. 
A few people mentioned feeling touched in the basement, and one participant reported feeling something near her hair as she sat in a chair. EMF meters went off around her body when she felt touched, but not at other times. 
Upstairs in the nursery we had a few people experience feelings of discomfort, and we had a positive response via several devices when we would address "Sallie."
A few EVPs were recorded during this evening and have been posted on the AUDIO page. I look forward to any photos, etc other participants may have captured!


Question: When did the phenomena start?

Answer: First reports were in the early 1990s, however it is possible activity was happening earlier and not discussed.


Question: Any cold spots?

Answer: Cold spots have been reported various places in the home, specifically in the kitchen area.


Question: Any physical attacks?

Answer: The family that lived in the home in the early 1990s reported numerous attacks of scratches appearing on the husband.


Question: How far back can you trace the history of the property?

Answer: The home was built around the turn of the century and most owners have been verified via property records.


Question: Have there been any deaths or violent occurances in the the property?

Answer: Three confirmed deaths in the home, possibly more.


Question: Have you heard any legends about this property?



Previous Investigations at this Location


The "Sallie House" - Visit 13, 29th October, 2012

The "Sallie House" - Visit 12, 26th October, 2012

The "Sallie House" - Visit 11, 19th October, 2012

The "Sallie House" - Visit 10, 12th October, 2012

The "Sallie House" - Visit 9, 5th October, 2012

The "Sallie House" - Visit 8, 29th October, 2011

The "Sallie House" - Visit 7, 15th October, 2011

The "Sallie House" - Visit 6, 14th October, 2011

The "Sallie House" - Visit 5, 1st October, 2011

The "Sallie House" - Visit 4, 30th September, 2011

The "Sallie House" - Visit 3, 24th September, 2011

The "Sallie House" - Visit 2, 2nd October, 2010

The "Sallie House" - Visit 1, 13th August, 2005

Turn the Light Back On - 07:50 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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Heading Upstairs - 07:55 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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After Becky stated, "I'm going to turn the light back on," there appears to be a male voice response.

Submitted by Tina

When one of the females in groups asked, "Are they coming upstairs to the nursery?" Someone replies.

Submitted by Tina

Nick Coming In - 07:57 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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While a male member of the group was talking about "Nick" coming into the nursery there is a breathy voice in the background. 

Submitted by Tina

Touching Skirt - 07:59 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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While in the nursery a young lady said someone keeps touching her skirt and says, "No, its not her," followed by two faint voices speaking at the same time.

Submitted by Tina

Does Your Daddy Like to Play? - 08:05 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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One of the group asked, "Does your Daddy like to play with you?" and a faint response is heard. 

Submitted by Tina

Dog - 08:08 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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While in the nursery the question was asked, "Sallie, did you have a dog?" There is an answer, and then "Did you have a cute little puppy?" was asked with another response. This may have been another participant and not paranormal. 

Submitted by Tina

Green Light - 08:15 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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As Becky was explaining that we need to remember to use terms from a time period the spirits would be familiar with as they may not know what a "green light" is, a breathy voice says something. 

Submitted by Tina

Would You Sleep Here? - 08:20 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
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A male asked what the "vibe" of the house was and if it was demonic or anything. Becky reassured him that there was nothing like that. 

Submitted by Tina

Take Pictures - 08:39 PM - 27th September, 2013 - The "Sallie" House - Visit 14
00:00 / 00:00

In the master bedroom a participant asks if she could take a photo.

Submitted by Tina

No VIDEOS for this Investigation at this time

All content © 2003 - 2025, Paranormal Activity Investigators, LLC, unless otherwise noted 

Kansas City, MO

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