Ward Parkway Area, Visit 3
Location Information
Date:21st November, 2003 Type:Residential
Location Title:Ward Parkway Area, Visit 3 City/State:Kansas City, MO
Investigation Times:09:00 PM - 11:00 PM Status:Analysis
Weather Information
Sunrise:07:07 AM Sunset:05:00 PM
High Temperature:54 °F Low Temperature:40 °F
Sky Condition:Clear Wind:NNE at 11 mph
Humidity:80% Precipitation:0%
Lunar Phase:Waning Crescent % disk visible:5%
Solar X-Rays:Active Geomagnetic Field:Storm
Investigators Present
Bryan Kaplan
Hugh McLenaghan
Kelli Patrick
Becky Ray
Question: How long have you lived here?
Answer: 4 years
Question: Any visual apparations?
Answer: None
Question: Any apports (things appearing out of nowhere)?
Answer: No
Question: Any teleportation (things moving from one place to another)?
Answer: No
Question: Any sounds?
Answer: Yes, footsteps, bangs, sounds like things moving
Question: Any music?
Answer: No
Question: Any smells?
Answer: Yes, chocolate chip cookies on stairs, and sometimes perfume in living room
Question: Are you or any member of the family under stress?
Answer: Yes
Question: Any use of Ouija boards, seances, automatic writing, etc?
Answer: No
Question: Have you taken any courses in parapsychology or have knowledge of?
Answer: No
Investigators Notes
Kelli Patrick:Equipment used: video camera, EMF and laser thermometer. No abnormal findings here.
Previous Investigations at this Location
One minute into the Bryan went into the breakfast nook (a room not previously gone into) while Hugh and Kelli got their equipment ready in the living room. Bryan asked if anyone was there, and then you can hear a voice say "Yeah".
Submitted by Bryan
Five minutes into the investigation Hugh, Bryan, and Kelli headed towards the basement. I am not for certain if this is an EVP, however it sounds like it's saying Uh-Oh.
Submitted by Bryan
Thirteen minutes into the investigation Kelli, Hugh, and Bryan walked back up stairs from the basement and went into the breakfast nook (where Bryan recorded the earlier EVP). This time around an EVP was recorded at the same time Kelli was talking. The EVP seems to say "complied".
Submitted by Bryan
Bryan, Hugh, Becky, and Kelli were up in the Master Bedroom. Hugh was talking about the incident where a picture fell off the wall, but the hook was still in the wall and the wire on the back of the picture was still in tact. While Hugh is speaking an EVP was recorded as saying "responsible" though it seems it has a problem saying the word.
Submitted by Bryan
Kelli, Bryan, Hugh, and Becky left the attic and were walking through the bathroom that connects between the green and the yellow room when this EVP was recorded as saying "What? Hey!".
Submitted by Bryan
Hugh, Bryan, Kelli, and Becky had left the upstairs and had entered the dining room when this EVP was recorded as saying "No, You're Not".
Submitted by Bryan

All group members were in the master bedroom when I took this photo. This area is where our EMF Multidetector kept signaling a warning. We searched the area in question and found nothing that could have been causing this spike.

We were all in the basement when I took this photo. The red streaks appear to be overexposure of the film. However, since I was using a disposable camera, this would have to have been done in processing. This photo was near the end, but not the last photo taken, and none of the other photos have this on them. Normal exposure problems are either on the edges of the photo, or run horizontal.

All group members were in the master bedroom when I took this photo. This area is where our EMF Multidetector kept signaling a warning. We searched the area in question and found nothing that could have been causing this spike.