Ward Parkway Area, Visit 4
Location Information
Date:9th October, 2004 Type:Residential
Location Title:Ward Parkway Area, Visit 4 City/State:Kansas City, MO
Investigation Times:08:00 PM - 12:00 AM Status:Analysis
Weather Information
Sunrise:07:22 AM Sunset:06:47 PM
High Temperature:72 °F Low Temperature:51 °F
Sky Condition:Clear Wind:ENE at 10 mph
Humidity:90% Precipitation:0%
Lunar Phase:Waning Crescent % disk visible:20%
Solar X-Rays:Normal Geomagnetic Field:Quiet
Investigators Present
Bryan Kaplan
Hugh McLenaghan
Kelli Patrick
Becky Ray
Question: How long have you lived here?
Answer: 4 years
Question: Any visual apparations?
Answer: None
Question: Any apports (things appearing out of nowhere)?
Answer: No
Question: Any teleportation (things moving from one place to another)?
Answer: No
Question: Any sounds?
Answer: Yes, footsteps, bangs, sounds like things moving
Question: Any music?
Answer: No
Question: Any smells?
Answer: Yes, chocolate chip cookies on stairs, and sometimes perfume in living room
Question: Are you or any member of the family under stress?
Answer: Yes
Question: Any use of Ouija boards, seances, automatic writing, etc?
Answer: No
Question: Have you taken any courses in parapsychology or have knowledge of?
Answer: No
Investigators Notes
Kelli Patrick:I used my EMF meter and video camera. Nothing happened on film or with my EMF meter. I didn't feel anything, even though I have in the past at this house.
Becky Ray:I took several photos during our investigation this night, and did not obtain a single anomaly in any of them. This house has been active in the past, but was very quiet on this night.
Previous Investigations at this Location
Ward Parkway Area - Visit 3, 21st November, 2003